Commercial available from 6th February 2025
TN-cyclon™ ELISA Development Kit
This kit will be available to measure ultrasensitive protein detection using TN-cyclon™ technology, with a combination of paired antibodies and antigens prepared by the customer’s choice
No special equipment is required, ordinary plate reader
Capacity: 96-well sheet
List price: ¥200,000 (excluding tax) / Open campaign price: ¥180,000 (excluding tax), for a limited time
*For Research Use Only
TN-cyclon™ is based on the conventionally universally implemented sandwich ELISA method and signal amplification method that combines the enzyme cycling method. Capture antibodies and detection labelled antibodies are used to sandwich the antigens. Our proprietary alkaline phosphatase (ALP) conjugating detection antibodies A3P, which is an ALP substrate, acts on it. Since A3P has a phosphate group, the function of ALP causes the phosphate group to detach from A3P and change to A3. Therefore a cycling reaction occurs by this A3. In this reaction, hydroxylating steroids Dehydrogenase (3α-HSD) plays a central role, reducing the coenzyme Thio-NAD, with the oxidation of NADH, the dehydrogenation reaction (oxidation reaction) of A3, reaction products of the "cycling" reaction occurs. Cycling reaction progresses Thio-NADH accumulates as it progresses. Measuring to this maximum wavelength of Thio-NADH spectro photometric (405 nm) absorbance, then you can find the original antigen concentration.
This amplification method allows the sensitivity of conventional ELISA methods to be below the detection limit of protein.
BioPhenoMA has filed exclusive intellectual property (IP) related to this TN-cyclon™ technology, covered Japan, as well as overseas regions. BioPhenoMA will offer testing and diagnosis as a micro-protein detection technology.
We will propose new methods in the field, The TN-cyclon™ ELISA development kit, which is now on sale, can be used by customers choosing matched pairs of antibodies and antigens. BioPhenoMA will provide an ultrasensitive quantitative protein measuremnt assay on your lab.
However, please note that due to the combination of each specific antibodies and antigens, reactivity, epitope relationship conditions, we do not always possible to guarantee high-sensitivity measurements.
In addition, this product is limited to use for RUO, research purpose only, so do NOT use for clinical settings.
Capture Ab Diluent, Wash Buffer, Sample Diluent, Blocking Reagent, Detection Ab Diluent,
Enzyme Cycling Diluent 1,2
Enzyme Cycling Reagent 1-4
96-well plate (1 plate)
Adhesive plate sealer (for 5 plates)
User Manual
Storage conditions: refrigerated (2 - 8°C) , frozen (-30 - -20°C)
This product is distributed through BioPhenoMA website, or we also support the orders through distributors.
(Sales commissions are not included in our price.)
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